By Yamini Bhalla on Friday, 02 August 2019
Category: Blog

Career Options for the Blind.

If a hardworking person is kind, it doesn't effects his work whether he is deaf or blind. Work done with true spirit and honesty always brings success. Friends we all have some or the other talent in us and we all are involved in our work , participating in various jobs which are offered to us due to our capabilities but this is not the thing just to take pride as there are many people who despite of having disabilities are more talented than those who are without disabilities. However, some people think them to be as liabilities for nation.  

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

by Helen Keller

 We should never underestimate someone's capability and ignore someone's talent. People like Author Helen Keller, Singer Andrea Bocelli, Louis Braille, Musician Art Tatum and many others have set an example that there is no work in the world that visually impaired people cannot do. They can make even impossible task possible.

Nowadays, society is making space for visually impaired people to take part in various fields and giving them a chance to become independent.

There are certain career options where blind people can pursue their career:

Enter heading here...Financial Experts

It is one of the growing field in market and is opening employment opportunities for many graduates. Graduates with visual impairment will be highly preferred for this position. Due to their great analytical skills they can prepare forecasts for corporate, economic and industrial condition.

Call Center/ Customer Service

Call center executive position can help visually impaired people to become self dependent and help them in enhancing their communication skills. In this service they just need to take up the telephonic conversations.

Employment opportunities in Government Sector

The implementation of Persons with Disability Act 1995 which mandates 1% of jobs for people with visual disability has boosted employment options. This aid by the government has employed many blind people in teaching, railways and banks.

Employment in Private Sector 

IAB(Indian Association for Blind) has taken initiative to provide employment to the blind people as per their skills. This has facilitated employment in various hospitals, schools, hotels and engineering industries. Basic engineering operations were introduced in 2010, to be taught to visually impaired children to operate machines.


Visually impaired people can teach students with lack of vision as they know well how to handle objects and machines specially made for them. Moreover their teaching methods can be helpful for students to learn easily.

Location Coordinator 

Visually impaired people with good knowledge of computer, basic knowledge of stock maintenance and good communication skills can participate in this work. Banglore and Hyderabad are the 2 main states which are making vacancy in this field for visually impaired people.

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