Basics of Eye Health - Tips for Maintaining a Good Eyesight

Our eyes prove to be of great significance when it comes to us being able to navigate the world around us. Here are a few tips to maintain the health of our eyes so they can help us see for years to come.

Regular appointments with an eye health professional can work as a precautionary measure, they could help one catch a potential disease early which could make the treatment much easier and contain the risks associated with the disease. Even if nothing seems to be wrong with one's eyes, there are a few diseases and conditions that rarely exhibit many symptoms and may not be obvious until long after one has developed it.

It also so happens that many do not realize they could be seeing better with glasses or contacts, or that their prescribed number might have changed, which the professional might be able to diagnose.

Your eye care professional can determine if your eyes are in their best health or if you need to be taking better care of them.

Repetitive discomfort, any sort of allergic reaction to a product or an infection, all call for a visit to the doctor.

Eat healthy. Your eyes need certain nutrients for optimized functioning. Also, a healthy body makes a better host to a healthy set of eyes.

We have always been told that carrots are great for our eyes but there is more that our eyes require. Dark leafy vegetables like spinach and kale can prove to be of great significance, and omega-3 fatty acids found mostly in certain fishes (like salmon) are also linked to better eye health. Its best to be persistent with your regular checkups and tests and take your supplements seriously if you had been suggested any by your physician.

It is also best to maintain a healthy body and make exercise a habit, a part of your routine. If the body remains healthy, it keeps safe from certain conditions like diabetes and other systematic conditions that spike up the chance of developing eye disorders.

Part of keeping the body healthy is quitting or never beginning to smoke. As bad as it is to the rest of the body, smoking has been linked to Macular degeneration, cataracts, optic nerve damage, etc. which are very difficult to treat and can lead to loss of sight.

Eyes also require proper rest. Getting a good sleep is one of the things most doctors are adamant about when taking about taking care of the eyes. The eyes need to rest just like the body and mind do in order to keep going and functioning properly. Not only does sleeping properly help one's eyes to cope with short term discomforts like dry eyes, eye spasms or strains but the lack of sleep is also linked to a higher risk of developing eye conditions of the likes of glaucoma and other serious diseases.

Resting the eyes every once in a while even during the day goes a long way. It is very important to notice and realize when your eyes start to feel strained or dry, and once they do, you should stop what it is that you are doing, especially if it involves screens, and close your eyes, or blink for a few seconds, and resume the activity after this slight break.

While we are on the topic of the importance of rest, it would be best to note how our lives now tend to revolve around technology and it is not uncommon for us to find ourselves looking down at a screen all day. Calling and texting usinga cell phone, reading documents for work or studies on a tablet, watching television, all of these things have now incorporated themselves very heavily into our daily routines. An average person has a "screen time", or the time spent looking at screens of over 4 hours per day! But what many do not realize is just how tiresome screens can be for the eyes. Many studies have successfully linked higher screen times to poorer health of the eye which makes it more prone to develop diseases, with everyday discomforts such as eyestrains and blurry vision, trouble focusing at a distance, which can cause headaches and just an overall unpleasant ordeal.

If looking at screens for long is unavoidable for you, it would be best to talk to your doctor about glasses that would help minimize the harmful effects of screens on your eyes. Some doctors may also suggest eye drops. It is also wise to make sure that if you have prescription glasses, they are up to date.

Not just our skin, but our eyes also need to be protected from harmful Ultra violet rays too which can cause serious damage to our eyes and increase the risks of many different kinds of diseases. Wearing sunglasses when going out in the sun is highly recommended.To protect your eyes from harmful solar radiation, sunglasses should block at least 99 percent of UV rays and also absorb most High-energy visible (HEV) rays, or blue light, which are visible. Although HEV rays have longer wavelengths and lower energy than UV rays, they penetrate deeply into the eye and can cause retinal damage.

Certain sports and activities like construction are better taken on with protective eyewear. Usually made of polycarbonates, these eyewear are 10 times stronger than any other plastic and they keep the eye safe.

Keeping your eyewear, especially spectacles or contacts clean is of utmost importance. This eyewear is always in close proximity of the eyes and tends to impart whatever bacteria it contains on the eye and cause major unease and infections. Spectacles should be kept clean with a lens cleaning cloth, this is not only sanitary, it also helps one see better through their glasses. Contacts should not be worn for longer than suggested and should be regularly disinfected as needed or instructed. All eyewear should be stored in cases and in sanitary places.

It can also help to know about your family's eye health history. Many eye diseases are hereditary and tend to run through generations. Discussing your family's history with your doctor is crucial. They can determine if you are a higher risk of developing any and will screen you accordingly which will help you combat the condition when and if you develop it too and will also increase your general awareness and caution.

These are a few tips that seem to come up commonly when professionals are asked how to keep one's eyes healthy. Other than these some doctors may also recommend eye exercises. It is best to follow these tips and take care of our eyes as prevention is better than cure. 

New Facility - Press Release
Causes of Vision Impairment

Comments 1

Guest - Sandra Patterson on Tuesday, 30 July 2019 22:39

Thank you for explaining the basics of eye care. My sister has been thinking about her eye health. I don't think she has been to the eye doctor in a while, she should fix that.

Thank you for explaining the basics of eye care. My sister has been thinking about her eye health. I don't think she has been to the eye doctor in a while, she should fix that.
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